LeAnne Martin
Beauty and the Beholder

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Why Beauty?

I try to seek out beauty wherever and whenever I can, and I want to help other people do that too. Click here to go to one of my first posts, which explains why. May your eyes be opened to the beauty around you. Thanks for reading.


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

LeAnne, As always, I'm blessed when I come and visit. Your insights into beauty and God's comfort and joy in all that can be described as beautiful brings a rest to my own soul.

I so enjoyed your posting from 2006. It put into words something I've been trying to articulate myself these past weeks, as I've been in a 'furnace' of sorts. I found that He'd bring His beauty each day through words, things, nature, people that added such comfort to my life.

I could totally relate! Blessings and thank you!

LeAnne Benfield Martin said...

Thank you, Brenda. It's nice to have a "beauty buddy".



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